Hey folks!
The complete Sangor Syndrome: Bloodfiend from Outer Space is available now on DVD! 2.5 hours of goodies on the disc!
In other news, today I edited a sequence together from Stormy Tempest: Fight for the Future for the purpose of seeing exactly what we are missing and what we might need to flesh out the scene a little more. We have made arrangements with Nicola Rae that will enable her to film a few quick pickups on her own without needing to return to Florida to do so. By editing this scene now I'll know exactly what to ask her for in order to fill in the gaps. There are a few minor things that could be better, but generally it already looks good to go. Anything that we add to it now just makes a good scene better.
Below is a screencap from the scene in question. Stormy is either afraid for her life while being trapped by an unseen foe, or she's singing the finale to an exuberant showtune! With Bill Black movies, one is as likely as the other. :)
Stormy Tempest is the greatest video series you have. More Stormy Tempest PLEASE, and if you can... put her in more chilling danger and more sexy peril!